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Brioche French Toast grilled in browned butter

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


I am a breakfast person. I’ll choose breakfast food 9 times out of 10. My husband is not a breakfast person but we both really love French toast out on the grill. Getting those grill marks really gives it something special, and anytime brown butter and brioche is involved you know it’s going to be great!



  • 1 loaf Brioche Bread 
  • 4 eggs 
  • ¾ C Milk 
  • 2T Sugar
  • Pinch salt & cinnamon
  • 1t Vanilla bean paste


  1. Preheat the grill to 400F with the grill pan inside. 
  2. Slice bread and set aside. 
  3. Combine all other ingredients in a shallow dish. 
  4. Melt 2T butter in the grill pan until browned. ‘
  5. Dip 3-4 slices of bread into the milk mix and place evenly on the hot grill. 
  6. After 3-4 minutes flip and continue until all bread and mix are gone. 
  7. Serve with berries, cream and syrup.