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Browned Butter Chai Tea Frosting

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


This is one of my favorite frostings EVER so I thought it deserved its own post. Keep it thin for glazed donuts, cookies, bread and brownies OR thicken it up by adding more powdered sugar, and you could easily frost a cake. It’s just the best!



  • ¼ C unsalted butter
  • C packed brown sugar
  • 3 T heavy cream
  • 1 chai tea, tea bag
  • ½ t vanilla extract
  • 2C confectioners sugar, sifted
  • * Heat the heavy cream in the microwave for about 20 seconds, then steep the chai tea in the heavy cream for about 30 minutes. SQUEEZE the tea bag to get all that amazing flavor into the cream.


  1. Heat the butter in a pan on medium low until it’s melted and a slight amber color (about 5 min). It will smell aromatic and nutty and amazing and like Christmas.
  2. Add the brown sugar and cook for about 1 minute stirring continuously. Remove from heat and let cool for another minute or two
  3. Add the vanilla and chai infused cream while whisking vigorously (it’s going to bubble like crazy so stir, stir, stir!!)
  4. Add the confectioners sugar and whisk until you have a super smooth glaze (make sure you sift the sugar first! Unless, of course, you enjoy lumpy-glaze. In that case, carry on)
  5. If you want the glaze a little thinner, add cream. If the glaze is a little too thin, add sugar. It sets up pretty quick so work fast!