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Cherry Lemonade Poached Pear

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


Serve on french toast, pancakes or as dessert with whipped cream



  • 2 parts (1C ) Mikes Hard Lemonade (cherry flavor) and I part sugar (1/2C). 
  • 1 firm pear, peeled, and sliced in half.
  • 1 lemon cut into slices (seeds removed) 


  1. Bring Mikes Hard Lemonade and sugar to a simmer on medium low. 
  2. Poach pears and lemons in the lemonade about 30-40 minutes until the lemonade has the consistency of syrup 
  3. Turn pears every 5 minutes for even coloring. 
  4. Serve on french toast, pancakes or as dessert with whipped cream