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Glazed Green Bean Bacon Bundles

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


Think you’re not a fan of green beans? Try wrapping them in glazed bacon, that’ll change your mind. Plus these are perfect for Thanksgiving or Christmas get-togethers.



  • Makes 14 bundles
  • 1 pkg bacon 
  • I pkg (85-100) green beans
  • 1T Montreal seasoning
  • 1t avocado oil
  • 1/4 C BBQ sauce (I used my FAVORITE Guinness sauce)


  1. Set grill temp to 350F
  2. Toss green beans in oil and seasoning. Place 8-10 beans in a bundle as evenly as you can.
  3. Wrap in a single piece of bacon (no need to secure, the bacon will stick to itself).
  4. You can place it directly on the grates or on a perforated sheet pan. 
  5. Glaze the bacon 2-3 times during the last 15 minutes of the cook. 
  6. Cook for about 40 minutes or until the bacon is cooked through. Turn the grill to shutdown mode but leave the bundles inside for an additional 10-12 minutes to “tack up”. 
  7. Serve hot. These make AWESOME leftovers too!