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Honey Brushed Chicken

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


Pecan Smoked over Onions, Grapefruit, Thyme, and White Wine.



  • ½ onion
  • 23 slices of grapefruit
  • Thyme
  • ¼ C white wine
  • Spatchcocked chicken
  • 1T Extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 T rub (Traeger Fin and feather is great)


  1. Preheat smoker or oven to 425F
  2. Lay the pieces of 1/2 Onion sliced thin, and 2-3 slices of grapefruit on the bottom of a cast iron pan. 
  3. Cover with a bundle of thyme and cover in 1/4C white wine. Set aside. 
  4. Place spatchcocked chicken, skin side down on a cutting board. 
  5. Cover the bottom in 1T EVOO and 1T rub 
  6. Flip bird so the skin side is up and place about 3T softened butter UNDER the skin of the legs and breast meat. 
  7. Place 2-3 Sprigs of Thyme on each breast under the skin also. 
  8. Cover the top of all of the skin in more Butter, and sprinkle liberally with rub. 
  9. Rest the chicken directly on top of the sliced grapefruit.
  10. Cook for about 40 minutes or until you get an internal temp of 155F. 
  11. Brush the skin with honey and cook for an additional 1-2 minutes. (If the top is browning too quickly, tent with foil.) 
  12. Remove from grill and let rest 5 -10 minutes before serving