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Mini pavlova nest filled with whipped cream

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


Mini pavlova nest filled with whipped cream, topped with velvet apricots, and finished with pistachio dust, edible flower petals, and a honey drizzle. So impressive!



  • 3 egg whites
  • ¾ C white sugar
  • 1t cornstarch
  • ¼ t vanilla
  • ½ t lemon juice
  • ½ C Heavy whipping cream
  • 2T sugar
  • 34 apricot slices
  • Crushed pistachios
  • Edible flower petals
  • Honey


  1. Whip 3 egg whites to soft peak stage. Keep stirring while you add ¾ C white sugar 1T at a time
  2. Beat for an additional 10 MINUTES! It’ll be very glossy and stiff peaks 
  3. Stir in 1t cornstarch, 1/4 t vanilla, and 1/2t lemon juice until just incorporated 
  4. Pipe 6-8 nests into a parchment lined baking sheet and bake at 225 for 1 hour 15 minutes
  5.  Turn oven off and allow the nests to cool completely in the oven with the door closed (About 40 min) 
  6. Fill each with about 2T whipped cream (whip 1/2 C heavy whipping cream 2T sugar until stiff peak form) 
  7. Top with 3-4 apricot slices, crushed pistachios, petals, and honey