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Open faced smoked salmon taco with blueberry-pineapple relish and quinoa

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


Delicious smoked salmon tacos with blueberry-pineapple relish and quinoa




  • 2T diced purple onions
  • 2T diced pineapple
  • 2T diced yellow pepper
  • 1215 blueberries
  • ½ C cooked quinoa (cook it in stock not water)
  • 6 oz smoked salmon divided
  • 2 small flour tortillas


  1. Sauté all ingredients until the onions are browned and cooked through
  2. Heat the tortillas on a griddle
  3. Top with quinoa and smoked salmon (hot or cold)
  4. Layer the relish and sprinkle with cilantro and spritz of fresh lime