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Peaches and Cream German Pancakes

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


I got this recipe from my roommate/cousin, who got it from her mom, who apparently got it from my mom. SO, it went through a lot to get to me, but it’s tried and true and the perfect breakfast to feed a crowd. Plus if you actually have any, leftovers reheat fabulously.



  • 2 T Butter
  • 6 Eggs
  • 1C Flour
  • 1C Milk
  • 1/2t Salt
  • 1/2t Almond extract
  • 1C fresh whipped cream
  • 1 Peach, sliced thin
  • 1/2C Candied cinnamon almonds


  1. Put butter in the base of a cast iron pan or a 9×13. Put the pan in the oven and preheat it to (450F)
  2. Blend the Eggs, Flour, Milk, Salt, and almond extract.
  3. When the oven is preheated, pour the mixture into the pan and cook for 15 minutes.  Fill it with whipped cream, peaches, and top with the candied almonds. That’s it. SO easy.