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Bacon Sprinkles

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon



  • 2 Packages bacon
  • 1/2C Granulated sugar


  1. Cut all the bacon into quarters and fry in a heavy bottomed pan. Drain fat if you need to so that the bacon cooks evenly.
  2. Set all the bacon on a paper towel to drain as much of the bacon grease as possible. Once cool, rough chop the bacon.
  3. Use the same pan, and pour the sugar into the bottom on medium heat. Cover with cooked bacon, and STIR continuously. You want all the bacon covered, and you REALLY don’t want to burn that sugar. This will take about 5 minutes.
  4. Once the sugar is melted and the bacon is all covered, pour it all out onto wax paper and let cool.
  5. Put all the candied bacon into a food processor and blend until it looks like little pebbles ( or sprinkles!) Don’t over-blend, or you’ll end up with bacon jam instead of bacon sprinkles.
  6. Cover all sides of your cake with the sprinkles starting at the bottom, and working your way up to the top. These are AMAZING so you’ll want to cover pretty much every possible spot on your cake. Save the leftovers (provided you have any) for garnishing slices or ice cream.
  7. Refrigerate 1 hour before serving for the perfect consistency. Be the frickin’ champion of the party.