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Smoked Beef Heart with Red Wine-Chocolate Sauce

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


I know what you’re thinking. WTF?! But stop. The heart was actually really great! However, if it makes you squeamish, feel free to switch the heart out with a different cut of beef. Not to mention, the Red Wine Chocolate sauce is AMAZING, and you could eat it with dirty socks and LOVE it.



  • 1 Beef Heart
  • 2T Blackened Saskatchewan Rub
  • 2T Butter
  • 1T Evoo


  • 2C Red Wine
  • 2T Lemon Juice
  • 3T EVOO
  • 1T Garlic, crushed
  • Thyme 1 Sprig
  • Zest of 1/2 Orange
  • 1t Peppercorns

For Red Wine-Chocolate Sauce (adapted from wideopeneats)

  • 3T Butter
  • 2 Shallots, rough chopped
  • 1 Spring Rosemary
  • 1.5C Red Wine
  • 1T Peppercorns
  • 4C Bone Broth
  • 1/4C Dark Chocolate (I used Millcreek Pepercorn Chocolate 78% Dark) Grated or chopped thin


  1. Be sure to trim ALL the fat and silver skin from the heart! Remove the veins and arteries. After all the cleaning and trimming, I ended up with 3 thin steaks. Place the cleaned heart pieces in a ziploc with the marinade and marinate for about 3 hours.
  2. Remove from marinade (shaking off as much as possible), and cover with the rub.
  3. Set Smoker to (225F) ( with Super Smoke if you have it) and smoke hearts for about 2 hours or until you hit an internal temp of (135F) ( the steaks will probably cook at different rates, so keep an eye on the thinner ones!)
  4. After you remove the steaks from the Smoker, wrap them in foil and set aside. (no tasting yet)
  5. Put a cast iron skillet over medium high heat. When the skillet is HOT, add the evoo and butter. Sear the heart steaks for about a minute per side. Slice and serve immediately with The Red Wine Chocolate Sauce.


  1. Combine all ingredients in a Zip Loc and add Heart steaks. Marinate about 3 hours.

Red Wine Chocolate Sauce

  1. On medium heat, Saute the shallots, garlic, peppercorns, and rosemary in butter until the shallots are soft and fragrant. ( about 5 minutes)
  2. Add the Red Wine. Reduce until the liquid is *almost evaporated. Add the Bone Broth and reduce by about 2/3. This will take about 20 minutes.
  3. Finally, add the chocolate while whisking until its well incorperated
  4. Pour the sauce into a sieve ( press down on all the chunks, you don’t wanna miss out on any flavor)
  5. Cover the heart with the sauce and enjoy!