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Smoked Pulled Pork on White Cheddar Pancakes and topped with an over-easy egg

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


Garnished with fresh Figs and Dark Maple Syrup. Brunch all day everyday please!



  • 2C Pulled Pork
  • Your Favorite Pancake Recipe + ½ C White Cheddar and ½ T Corn starch
  • 34 Fresh Figs
  • 1C Dark Maple Syrup
  • 45 Fried Eggs 


  1. Stir the cheddar and starch into the pancake batter and dollop ¼ C spoonfuls onto a medium sized/greased pan until all batter is used. 
  2. Layer hot pulled pork between 3-4 pancakes and top with fried egg. 
  3. Garnish with sliced Fig and serve with Syrup. 
  4. ProTip: Cornstarch in the batter makes a more dense pancake!