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Smoked Tri-Tip with sautéed Mushrooms, Micro Greens and White Shoyu-Garlic Sauce

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


THIS. THIS IS THE ONE. An incredibly beautiful dish, with what seems like a lot components, but it’s SO easy. Basically you stir a bunch of stuff and its done. The sauce I derived from a sauce I made at a cooking class once. I changed it just a bit more to my tastes and it is amazing. Save this one because you’re going to want to put it on everything.




  • 4 6-8oz Tri-Tip Streaks
  • 4T EVOO, separated
  • 2 Cloves Garlic
  • 3T Unsalted Butter
  • 1.5C Micro Greens, rough chopped


  • 68 Shitake Mushrooms, sliced
  • 1T White Shoyu
  • 1T Avocado oil
  • S&P to taste

For Garlic-Shoyu Sauce

  • 1T Garlic, minced
  • 1/2C White Shoyu
  • 1T Hoisin Sauce
  • 1/4t Fresh Ginger
  • 1t Sesame oil
  • Pepper Flakes, pinch


  1. Set smoker to ‘SMOKE” with the lid open for about 5 minutes. Close the lid and set to (225F)
  2. Allow steaks to reach *almost* room temperature.
  3. While the smoker preheats, cover the steaks in 2T EVOO, salt and fresh ground pepper.
  4. Place directly into the smoker and cook for about 2 hours. Remove when the internal temp of the meat is (150F)
  5. Wrap the steaks in foil, and let them rest 15 minutes before you sear.
  6. Use a HOT cast iron pan to sear the steaks in 2T evoo, butter, and garlic cloves. You shouldn’t need more than a minute or 2 per side. Be sure to ladle the butter and evoo mix on top of the steaks as they sear.
  7. Plate the steaks directly. ladle a solid spoonful of mushrooms over each steak. (its ok if some fall, itll look rustic) Toss the micro greens in a few Tablespoons of the Garlic-Shoyu sauce and cover the mushrooms with small bundle of greens on each steak.
  8. Serve. You could also add any extra Garlic-Shoyu sauce on the side for dipping. 


  1. While the steaks are resting, sauté the mushrooms on medium/low heat in the Shoyu and Avocado oil. Season with salt and pepper, and when the mushrooms are soft and fragrant (about 10 minutes), remove from heat and set aside.


  1. Combine all ingredients and let the flavors marinate at least 1 hour before serving. This sauce is LIFE. so good.