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Winter Quinoa Bowl with Beets, Avocado, Goat Cheese and Mint

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


You cant beat an awesome quinoa bowl as a weeknight meal! Its super filling, a great way to get your veggies in, there are endless possibilities, and this one is SO freakin pretty.



  • 1.5C Spiraled Beets
  • 1T Avocado Oil
  • 2T Water
  • 1 Avocado, halved and sliced thin
  • 2C Brown Rice and 1C Quinoa, prepared
  • 2T Goat Cheese, crumbled
  • 6 Mint Leaves, sliced
  • 34 Walnuts, halved
  • 1T Granulated Sugar
  • 1/4t Peppercorn Salt


  1. Saute the Beets in the Avocado oil over medium heat until the beets are tender and starting to *just get crispy. Set Beets aside.
  2. In the same pan, add the sugar, water, and walnuts and stir until the water is evaporated and the walnuts are coated and browned.
  3. Layer the Rice/Quinoa mix. Top with the beets (use a fork to create a “nest” like you would spaghetti) add 1/2 of he Avocado (to make a “nest” layer the avocado slices like staggered dominos and curve them into a circle)
  4. Sprinkle the Goat Cheese over the top and sprinkle the mint leaves on top.
  5. Finish with the walnuts and sprinkle with the peppercorn salt on top of the avocado and beets.
  6. Eat immediately. Everyday. All Winter.