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Orange Scented Brioche French Toast

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon



  • 1 Loaf Brioche or Challa bread, sliced thick
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 C Milk
  • 1 t Vanilla
  • 2 T Butter
  • 1 Orange, zested
  • 2 C Heavy whipping Cream
  • 2 T Sugar


  1. In a shallow dish combine Milk, Egg, Vanilla, 3/4 of the orange zest, and the juice from 1/2 of the Orange.
  2. Combine the heavy whipping cream and sugar in your electric mixer. Mix on high until soft peaks form. You don’t want it too stiff.
  3. Heat your skillet to medium, and spread enough butter over the pan to cover the surface and be sure the bread doesn’t stick to the pan.
  4. Quickly dip the bread into the milk mixture ( both sides) an place into the hot skillet. let cook 2-3 minutes then flip. cook an additional 1 minute, and continue until the bread and milk mixture are gone. The slices will look golden and have a stiff bark on the outside but maintain softness on the inside
  5. Lay 2-3 slices on a plate, cover with whipped cream and maple syrup then top with a sprinkle of orange zest.
  6. Eat this every day of your life. Be happy.