Potatoes Au Gratin with Shallots, Thyme, and Gruyere
“Mix ’em, mash ’em, put ’em in a stew!” You almost cant go wrong with potatoes. They’re inexpensive, super filling, and can be made for a crowd in about 15 minutes. BUT, if you’re a food snob like me, you get nervous that potatoes are somewhat of a “cop out” side; The side dish you make when you couldn’t think of anything else. ( I know, its weird) This potato side however, is STILL super easy, ready for a crowd, and tasty without being “just” mashed potatoes. The final product is gorgeous and leftovers reheat beautifully.
- 3 Lbs Small Red Potatoes, washed
- 1 Large Shallot
- 3T Salted Butter
- 3T Flour
- 1t. Grainy Mustard
- 2C Half and Half
- 1C Mild Cheddar cheese, shredded
- 1/2C Gruyere, shredded
- 4 Sprigs Thyme, leaves removed
- 1t Garlic and Onion Salt
- Pepper to taste
- Slice the Potatoes, skin on, and the Shallot to 1/8in thick (you *can do this by hand but a mandolin works amazingly. Totally worth the purchase)
- Arrange the slices into 2-3in tall stacks. Place the stacks, upright, in a greased casserole dish. You should have 1 Slice of Shallot between every 10-12 Slices of Potato. Start on the outside of your dish, working your way in.
Melt the butter and flour in a sauce pan until combined and browned slightly (about 2 minutes) Add the Thyme leaves, salt, and pepper to the Half and Half and slowly pour it into the butter mixture. Whisking constantly. Keep over medium heat, stirring constantly until thickened.
Remove Sauce from heat and add the shredded cheese. Stir until the cheese is fully melted and pour the mixture over the potatoes. It will be very thick so you may want to spread it with a spoon and make sure to get it into any gaps!
Spay a piece of foil and cover . Place your Casserole Dish on a cookie sheet ( it may drip) and place in Smoker (or you can make this in your oven) set to (400F) Cook for 1 hour. Remove foil and cook for an addition 20 minutes or until potatoes are soft and top is browned. Not your moms Potato Recipe.