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Smoked Garlic Knots

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


Does anyone else like the garlic knots more than the pizza sometimes? Just wait until you add a kiss of smoke.



  • Knot dough
  • 1.5 Cups warm water
  • 2 t Sugar
  • 1 package of yeast
  • 4 cups bread flour
  • 2 T olive oil
  • 2 t salt

Garlic Topping:

  • 4T Butter
  • 2 Cloves garlic, chopped small
  • 1 T chopped Parsley
  • 1 T Flake Salt


  1. Combine warm water, sugar and yeast in a large bowl. Add the flour, olive oil, and salt and mix for about 5 minutes until sticky yet manageable.
  2. Cover a bowl in a layer of olive oil and place the dough inside. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise until doubled.
  3. Set grill to 475F
  4. Flour a cutting board well so the dough ball doesn’t stick. Use a bench cutter or knife to cut dough into small baseball sized pieces. Roll/stretch balls into short ropes and tie into knots. Place knots on a parchment lined sheet pan and cook for about 10 minutes or until knots are golden and cooked through.
  5. While the knots are cooking, combine butter and garlic in a small saucepan and cook on medium/low until the butter is foamy and the garlic is starting to brown. Remove from heat and set aside.
  6. After the knots have cooled slightly remove them from the sheet pan and place them in a large bowl with the butter/garlic mix, parsley, and salt.
  7. Toss all ingredients together until the knots are well coated. Be sure to scrape the bowl of anything that remains and top any knots that need it.
  8. Serve warm.