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Smoked Sourdough

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


Nothing says “I’m sorry” like bread.



  • 1 Cup Sourdough start
  • 3 Cups water
  • 5 cups Flour (bread or AP flour)
  • 1 Tablespoon salt.
  • More flour for kneading


  1. Combine all ingredients and stir until mixed thoroughly.
  2. Spray a large bowl with nonstick spray and let the dough rise overnight.
  3. The next day pour dough out onto a HEAVILY floured surface and “fold” the dough 8-12x adding more flour as needed. Place the dough back into the sprayed bowl and let it rise 2 hours or until doubled.
  4. Set smoker to 425F with cast iron inside. Once preheated, line the cast iron with butcher paper and very gently place the dough inside. Cut 2-3 stripes on top with scissors or a sharp knife. Place a lid on the Cast-iron and put back on the grill. Remove the lid after 15-20 minutes and cook an additional 40 minutes without the lid until cooked through. (205F in the center with a probe thermometer)