Apricot and Honey Glazed Pulled Pork, Grilled Cheese with Apples and Cheddar

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Apricot and Honey Glazed Pulled Pork, Grilled Cheese with Apples and Cheddar

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


Everything in this recipe started as a dehydrated ingredient! Grilled Cheese sandwiches are always a big hit, and these these take no time at all! The cheddar and apples compliment each other perfectly and add a fun twist to the texture!



  • 1 Loaf prepared Thrive white Bread, sliced
  • 1t Thrive Beef Bouillon
  • 1C Thrive Pork
  • 2T Thrive Butter
  • 1C Thrive Apricots
  • 1C Thrive Granny Smith Apples
  • 1/2C Thrive Honey Crystals
  • 1C Thrive Cheddar Cheese


  1. Hydrate all ingredients according to package directions.

  2. After hydrating the apples, lie them flat on a piece of wax paper, and refrigerate

  3. In a large saucepan over medium heat combine Beef bouillon, Apricots, and Honey. Boil until the apricots are broken down and the sauce is thickened.

  4. Add the pork and turn the heat to low, stirring often. The pork is ready when the liquid has been fully absorbed and the pork begins to caramelize.

  5. Heat Griddle, and butter 2 slices of bread. Place the bread, butter side down on the griddle, and top both sides with cheese until it begins to melt.

  6. Spoon pork on one side of bread and layer the apples and top. Top with the other slice. Continue to cook until all the cheese is melted and the bread is crunchy and caramelized.

  7. Slice and serve

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