Cherry Smoked, Honey injected Pork

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Cherry Smoked, Honey injected Pork

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


28lbs of Pork, injected at room temperature with cherry coke and honey, covered in honey hog rub and smoked with cherry wood.


  • Pork
  • Cherry coke
  • Bee local Honey
  • Meat Church honey hog rub


  1. Inject pork at room temperature with cherry coke and honey.
  2. Cover in honey hog rub.
  3. Smoke with cherry wood at 225F for an internal temp of 160F.
  4. Spray with more Cherry Coke every 30-40 min. 
  5. Place in a foil pan, and add more cherry coke to the bottom. 
  6. Cook at 275F until internal temp of 204F

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