Freak Shake

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Freak Shake

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


This is a S’more cookie dough freak shake, wrapped in white chocolate and graham cracker crumbs, and topped with S’more cookie dough, toasted marshmallow fluff, a full sized S’more, chocolate shavings, and chocolate syrup drizzle. You may want to share this with a friend.



  • 2C vanilla bean ice cream
  • 45T S’more cookie dough 
  • 1 S’more
  • 2T chocolate shavings
  • 1T chocolate sauce
  • 2 Graham crackers crushed
  • 1T melted white chocolate
  • 45 mini marshmallows


  1. Brush the outside top of your cup with white chocolate and roll it in the crumbs 
  2. Drizzle chocolate sauce on the inside
  3. Blend ice cream and 3-4 cookie dough balls and pour into cup
  4. Top with S’more, marshmallow cream, shavings, extra dough, and marshmallows
  5. Serve, and become the favorite aunt immediately

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