Smoked Pizza with Turkey, Honey Mustard, Pears, and Pecans

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Smoked Pizza with Turkey, Honey Mustard, Pears, and Pecans

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


Need ideas for leftover thanksgiving turkey? look no further! This is an awesome and creative way to use up that turkey! Let’s get to it!



  • 80z Dough (enough to roll out 1 10in dough)
  • 1/2 Red pear sliced
  • 1C Muenster Cheese
  • 1/3C Honey Mustard Sauce
  • 1C Shredded Turkey
  • 1/2C Candied Pecans
  • 2T caramelized shallots (shallots sautéed with 1T butter until golden and fragrant)
  • Parsley for garnish
  • 3T Cornmeal


1. Set smoker to “smoke” with lid open for about 5 min. Place the pizza stone in the smoker and set to (450F).

2. While smoker preheats, Roll dough out to 10in. Place on an inverted cookie sheet covered in the cornmeal.

3. Spread honey mustard, cheese, turkey, shallots, and pears on dough

4. Slide the pizza onto the pizza stone and smoke for about 10 minutes or until the edges are golden brown

5. Top with pecans and parsley and serve immediately

15 minutes and you have the perfect meal for the day (or days) after thanksgiving! Enjoy!

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