Smoked White Wine Cake with cream and berries

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Smoked White Wine Cake with cream and berries

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


Made with white wine, smoked, then soaked in more white wine. This cake is SO moist inside and has the perfect caramelized crust. It’s just really good.



  • 1 box yellow butter cake mix
  • ¼ c white sugar
  • ¼ c brown sugar 
  • 4 eggs 
  • 1 box white chocolate pudding mix 
  • ¾ C oil 
  • ¾ c white wine 
  • ½ c milk 
  • 1T smoked simple syrup or ½ T vanilla bean paste


  • ¼ c white wine 
  • 1C butter 
  • 1C sugar


  1. Set smoker to 350F
  2. Mix all ingredients in a stand mixer. 
  3. Use 1T shortening to grease the bundt pan followed by ¼ C flour. Discard any remaining flour that doesn’t stick to the edges. 
  4. Bake for 50- 60 min 
  5. For glaze, combine all ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil then remove from heat. 
  6. Pour wine mixture over the cake right when it comes out of the oven and is still hot. Let cool completely before inverting the pan. 
  7. Serve with berries and whipped cream.

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