Crabapple pepper Jelly

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Crabapple pepper Jelly

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


If you’ve never tried crabapple pepper jelly, DO IT. It takes any sandwich, cracker, or meat to the next level. Sweet with just a touch of heat



  • 2 lbs Crabapples
  • 1 ½ C Water
  • 1C Red wine Vinegar
  • 4C Sugar
  • 1C Green bell pepper, chopped
  • C Banana peppers, chopped


  1. Bring the water and apples to a boil in a deep pan until the apples are tender.
  2. Pour the apples into a colander lined with cheesecloth to collect juice. It should be about 2 cups. ( you can squeeze the cheesecloth with your hands when it’s cool enough) 
  3. Add the juice, vinegar, and sugar to a saucepan and bring it to a boil. 
  4. Add the peppers while stirring constantly, about 10 minutes. 
  5. Remove from heat and stir an additional 5 minutes to incorporate (Recipe based on one from
  6. Pour the jelly into hot, 8oz canning jars and let cool. 
  7. PRO TIP: Use the apple pulp to make crabapple sauce!

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