Tomahawk steaks

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Tomahawk steaks

  • Author: Kelly Cahoon


If these 40oz steaks don’t bring out your inner caveman, nothing will. Smoked for 3 hours and reverse seared to perfection. Served with caramelized shallot and flake salt compound butter.



  • 2 40oz Tomahawk steaks at room temp
  • 4T extra virgin olive oil
  • 2T Butter
  • S&P to taste
  • 3 Garlic cloves


  1. Set smoker to ” smoke” setting
  2. Cover steaks in 2 T extra virgin olive oil and S&P (you can use a rub here also, but I used a compound butter in lieu of a strong rub) 
  3. Place steaks directly on grates. Smoke 1 hour
  4. Turn up the heat to 225F and smoke an additional 2 hours 
  5. Let rest for 10 minutes
  6. Sear steaks about 3 min per side in about 1 T extra virgin olive oil, 1T butter and 2 garlic cloves each
  7. Garnish steaks with compound butter while still hot

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